One advantage of a relational database system like EnSite Safari Suite is the ready availability of Safari data—data that is organized, normalized, and accessible via our base product retail energy Data Extracts. For Safari Version 4.19, we’ve added no less than seven new Data Extract protocols to the base system, allowing energy marketers unprecedented access to essential customer and operational data.
Read on to learn a little about each of the seven new retail energy Data Extract offerings. To learn more, just review Safari Help for Safari 4.19, or the Safari 4.19 Release Notes (available online now).
New Retail Energy Data Extracts for Safari Suite
Contract Detail Extract – this extract provides much of the same data as the current Contracts extract. An advantage of the Contract Detail extract is that it reports on all contracts for all Utilities (the Contracts extract is created for a specified Utility).
Billed Extract – the Billed Extract reports on invoice data by Utility similar to the existing Invoice Register report. However, the Billed Extract also includes additional column data not available in the Invoice Register report such as Billing Method, Price Type, Customer Type, and more.
Unbilled Extract – the Unbilled Extract provides users an estimate for month-end totals on as-yet unbilled revenue, units and fees for the month. The extract logic looks at the “last bill” for customers relative to the month selected, then constructs estimated usage/revenue data for the month or the remaining days of the report month based on the usage dates for the customer’s latest invoice (up to the closing date for the selected month). For example, if the extract month is November and an Account’s “last posted invoice” has an End Date of 11/21, the extract will present projected unbilled units, revenue and fees for the nine remaining days in November, plus projected totals for November.
GL Extract – the GL Extract provides robust GL data to complement the existing Daily GL Report. The GL Extract selects all AR data for the selected GL month and organizes results by GL Account. The extract lists individual transaction detail comprising the total dollars for each GL Account and provides GL Account summaries ready to export to Journal Entries in the user’s Accounting system. The GL Extract also supports an optional “lookup” function that can provide more refined GL data results.
User Permissions Extract – the User Permissions extract allows users to monitor permission settings for all users in a single spreadsheet format. The extract lists each Safari User and is ordered by user Last Name. A Safari User will appear once in the extract for each screen or subscreen to which the user has permissions.
Credit Limit Monitor (Extract) – the Credit Limit Monitor reports on Credit limits and outstanding balances for active Customers, providing users a review of Customer credit limits versus their actual AR balances in spreadsheet format for a user-provided date.
Rate Code Extract (EDI) – For EDI customers, the Rate Code Extract provides users with a list of Rate Ready Accounts and their Contract pricing, including Rate Code, along with other information intended to assist users in analyzing Rate Code pricing trends.